Two new services have been launched to improve the quality of care for patients with red cell disorders

Community Red Cell Service

This new specialist nursing care will support red cell patients in their own homes with close links to primary, specialist, social and community care to join up services and create a seamless experience for patients.

This service is a source of support, clinical care, advice, and advocacy for people with red cell disorders and their families. Our community service focuses on the individual and what they need at that point in time. It also recognises that these needs can change and be unpredictable. We will address the physical, emotional, and social needs of patients and families affected by red cell disorders.

This service does not replace the role of your hospital team, but works closely alongside them to provide broader, more joined-up support.

Patients can refer themselves to this service by calling 020 3316 8853 or by emailing You can also be referred by your GP, haematologist, or any other member of your healthcare team. Care and advice can be provided over the phone or in person at your home, the George Marsh Centre or the Camden and Islington Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Centre. 

Service hours are Monday to Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Hyperacute Service

Based on feedback from patients, we have created a new expert ‘hyperacute’ unit to provide specialist treatment when people need it most, allowing them to bypass A&E in a crisis.

Located at North Middlesex University Hospital, closest to where the majority of people with sickle cell disorder in North Central London live, the service builds on the Trust’s existing specialist red cell service as well as specialist services at the Whittington Hospital and University College London and the haematology team at the Royal Free Hospital.  

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