Event date and time: 02 March 2022, 9:00am to 5:00pm
Event location: Virtual
The Red Cell Network will be holding a Thalassaemia Network study day on the 2nd March 2022, 09:00 – 17:00.
Professionals from across the network shall lead on a variety of topics pertaining to Thalassaemia and service users with Thalassaemia shall host a Q+A session on their lived experience.
Topics to be covered during the day:
- Introduction to thalassaemia, genetics and types
- Chelation therapy and iron overload
- The Role of the CNS in thalassaemia care
- Fertility and thalassaemia
- Psychology
- Patient Experience Q+A
Prior to the study day candidates will be asked to complete some e-learning modules produced by TIF (Thalassaemia International Federation) to help broaden and improve their knowledge.
If you would like to attend please register your interest by emailing uclh.info.redcellnetworkhcc@nhs.net with your name, job title and Trust.