The first session of TRCN Thalassaemia Teaching Programme, 'What is Thalassaemia?' was delivered by Emma Prescott, thalassaemia nurse specialist at Whittington Health NHS Trust.

Week 2 of TRCN Thalassamia Rolling Teaching Programme covered the Role of Psychology in Thalassaemia. The session was delivered by Dr Ruth Anderson, senior counselling psychologist lead at UCLH.

Week 2 Presentation Slides: The Role of Psychology in Thalassaemi

Week 3 of TRCN Thalassaemia Rolling Teaching Programme covered Iron Overload and Chelation. This session was delivered by Bernadette Hylton, haemoglobinopathy clinical nurse specialist / Red Cell Network education matron, UCLH.

Week 3 Presentation Slides: Iron Overload and Chelatio

Week 4 of TRCN Thalassaemia Rolling Teaching Programme was hosted by one of our network patients, Neelam who kindly talked about her experience of living with Thalassaemia