Page results
This leaflet explains the support a transition coordinator at the Adolescent Rheumatology Department provides, and how they can help.
Acinetobacter is a bacterium (a “bug”) that is commonly found in the environment including water and soil. It can also survive in the hospital environment for long periods.
Information about total penectomy and perineal urethrostomy for patients referred to UCLH.
This information is for patients who have attended the Emergency Department with an undisplaced or minimally displaced toe fracture (broken bone).
Lumbar microdiscectomy is a spinal surgical procedure to remove part of a slipped (prolapsed) disc which is compressing a nerve root (the point at which the nerve leaves the spine).
Anterior cervical discectomy is an operation to relieve the pressure on your spinal cord or the nerves that supply your arms and hands (peripheral nerves). ‘Anterior’ means that the operation is through the front of your neck, usually on the right side.
This information has been written for patients who are having total body irradiation (TBI) for a haematological cancer.
Dr Victoria Grandage is a consultant haematologist with research interests in acute myeloid leukaemia, non-malignant haematology, bone marrow transplantation and the late effects of cancer treatment.
This page provides an overview of the Ambulatory Care Service for adult patients.
This page explains what autologous stem cell transplant is and includes information about our stem cell transplant service and process, the care patients will receive and what to expect after the transplant.
File results
Council of Governors meeting papers - 31 October
Consultant - to -consultant referral form
UCLH Provider to Provider Tariff 2019-20
What young people would like everyone to know about Type 1 Diabetes
Reverse mentoring
FOI/2020/0572 - Inflamatory bowel disease staff contact details
FOI2017294 Contactors and subcontractors working on the Phase 4 and proton therapy beam
FOI/2020/0589 - Senior staff contacts for CEO, Director of Innovation and Chief Pharmacist
FOI/2020/0630 - CEO, Operations Director and Health and Safety Director contact details
FOI2017333 Midwifery contacts for accessing return to practice placements