Page results
This page has been written for women and families who use the UCLH Small Baby Clinic.
Introduction This patient information leaflet is for patients who are doing a breath test at home. Please read it carefully before you start your test. Please complete your test within the next two…
File results
FOI/2023/0565 - Rare diseases - diagnosis/ treatment for Fabry/ Gaucher/ Pompe
FOI/2024/0543 - Guidelines, policies for the treatment of obesity/ pathways for Tier 3 or Tier 4 weight management services
FOI/2024/05523 - Dabrafenib + Trametinib cancer treatment for metastatic and adjuvant melanoma/ lung/ colorectal cancer
FOI/2024/0527 - Treatment for renal cell carcinoma
FOI/2024/0528 - Open MRIs referrals for patient size/ spend on specialist bariatric equipment 2017-2024
FOI/2024/0529 - Medical Associate Professionals (MAPs) at Trust
FOI/2024/0530 - Radiology/ imaging examinations/ patient access to radiology images
FOI/2024/0532 - Patient treatment/ care/ consent
FOI/2024/0360 - Radiology Information System (RIS) supplier/ contract/ staff details
FOI/2024/0363 - Freedom of Information responses available for Mesh requests