Page results
This leaflet explains what parathyroid surgery is and gives some information about what it involves.
General cardiology outpatients for local patients are provided by University College Hospital. Specialist and interventional cardiology outpatient services are provided by Barts Heart Centre.
A study at UCLH has found a combination treatment of immunotherapy with an experimental drug may reverse a cancer’s resistance to immunotherapy – making the cancer sensitive to treatment again.
I worked as a senior directorate accountant in finance in the NHS across a wide range of directorates, both corporate and clinical areas, working closely with these directorates on their financial plans, monitoring and forward planning.
As part of Our National Health Stories, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust commissioned five poets to write and share stories from the NHS.
A minimally invasive technique for treating prostate cancer has been used for the first time in the NHS at UCLH. It can be used with precision to treat the affected area, reducing side effects.
Contact details of clinical lead adults and lead paediatrics
UCLH Charity’s magazine, Charity Matters is out now.
Information for the Camden Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia Service
UCLH is delighted that His Majesty King Charles III has accepted the patronages of University College Hospital and the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine.
File results
FOI/2024/0171 - Dermatology consultants
FOI/2024/0172 - Patients excluded from care at the Trust 2010-2023
FOI/2024/0179 - Water usage/ procurement
FOI/2024/0183 - Immunology Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) treatment
FOI/2024/0184 - IT spend/ Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) EMRAM and INFRAM scores
FOI/2024/0190 - Scheduled appointments Did Not Attend (DNA) 2019-2023
FOI/2024/0206 - Trusts budget allocated for cancer funding 2019/20-2023/24
FOI/2024/0204 - Clinical insourcing for audiology and pathology
FOI/2024/0199 - Admission and discharge policies for violent assault injuries/ autism/ patient records/ inaccurate records
FOI/2024/0207 - Physician Associates and prescribing/ ionising radiation