Page results
The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine (RLHIM) is a centre for evidence-based practice, education and research, specialising in chronic and complex medical conditions.
Our education department at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, runs courses in integrated medicine for statutory registered health professionals.
The Integrated Children’s and Adolescent Service has been established to provide complementary care alongside orthodox treatments. The clinic sees children up to 18 years old with a wide variety of illnesses.
Information about the integrated general medicine service at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine.
Information about the integrated occupational therapy service at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine
At UCLH we run seasonal COVID-19 vaccination clinics from our Hospital Hub within UCH. Vaccinations are available to members of the eligible public as well as UCLH patients.
The Ataxia Centre brings together a team of specialists, with expertise in the diagnosis, management and research of all forms of ataxia.
We offer comprehensive assessment, diagnostic services and investigation for all forms of the disease including neuropsychology, neurophysiology, imaging, genetic testing, and tissue diagnosis.
We provide a multi-disciplinary pre-operative assessment for patients requiring surgery at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery.
The department specialises in the assessment and management of Complex Neuropsychiatric conditions occurring in the context of neurological disease.
File results
FOI/2024/0488 - Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response Framework (EPRR) cycle of preparedness/ exercise dates
FOI/2024/0479 - Applications or systems deployed on Microsoft Azure Cloud
FOI/2024/0344 - Cancer diagnosis following A&E attendance 2018-2023
FOI/2024/0347 - Paediatric elective surgical waiting lists
FOI/2024/0349 - Trust's operations and tele reporting services/ outsourced and insourced
FOI/2024/0354 - Staff details for estates and facilities
FOI/2024/0473 - Elective operations cancelled for non-clinical reasons 2023/24
FOI/2024/0478 - Elective operations cancelled for non-clinical reasons 2021/22-2023/24
FOI/2024/0482 - Medical device/ enterprise application Integration/ data warehouse systems
FOI/2024/0368 - Treatment in renal cell carcinoma