Page results
UCLH is contributing to a national priority trial of the drug ruxolitinib in patients with Covid-19 pneumonia (infection of the lungs).
The Digital Innovation Hub will create a safe space for innovators across UCLH, UCL and third-party collaborators to work effectively together to solve problems that add value to patients, staff, UCLH and the wider NHS.
Specialist teams at UCLH and UCL are at the forefront of research which could bring hope to people who have been robbed of their sense of smell and taste after suffering the long-term legacy of COVID-19.
As photographer Tom Pilston searched for a way to make his contribution during the Covid-19 pandemic, he cast around for a project which would allow him to pay tribute to the NHS he describes as "all that is good about the UK ... humane and caring, hard-working, sensitive and strong".
Research conducted at UCLH has discovered how some skin cancers stop responding to treatment at the end of life.
A UCLH and Whittington Health children’s dental service has won the Small Scale, Big Impact award at the Smarter Working Live awards for its work supporting community dentists to provide more dental treatment locally, saving trips to hospital.
Our staff have rated UCLH as the top trust in England, improving on our ranking from last year when we were third best in England and top in London.
As an organisation, UCLH needs to minimise the environmental impact of our buildings and the energy they use and maximise our use of any technology available to support these changes. This page outlines our progress to date.
UCLH needs to reduce the amount we consume per patient, re-use and re-manufacture what we can and ensure that what we do use has minimal environmental impact. We also need to ensure our suppliers match our environmental ambitions. This page explores our progress so far.
Ensuring that UCLH staff understand the urgency of the climate crisis and support our net zero programme is crucial if we want to be successful in reaching our goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2031. Our patients must be kept informed of changes and we must work closely with other NHS organisations, including NHS England, if we are to deliver a successful programme. This page documents our progress to date.
File results
FOI/2024/0740 - A&E tooth decay admissions for 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24
FOI/2024/0741 - HR, finance and payroll contracts/ software updates/ staff contact details
FOI/2024/0750 - Spend on law firms for services related to maternity and neonatal care 2021-2023
FOI/2024/0776 - Buildings used by the Trust which still contain asbestos
FOI/2024/0814 - Asbestos Compensation 2021/22 - 2023/24
FOI/2024/0981 - Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs)/ asbestos register/ asbestos management
UCLH board register of interests
UCLH Audit Committee terms of reference