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Meet Isabelle who is a swimmer and has type 1 diabetes
When the Lighthouse opened in 2018, it was the first establishment of its kind in the UK, offering a safe place for children and young people who have experienced sexual abuse.
David understands the meaning of good value. Despite having private health care at his disposal, it was the NHS that he turned to in his hour of need, having become acutely unwell and diagnosed…
UCLH is, and always has been, a big part of Suraiya Jones’ life. Diagnosed with Thalassaemia intermedia as a young child, she first came to the hospital aged five. She’s been…
“Amazing!” That’s the word that keeps cropping up when Mohammed Hussain talks about the care he received and the staff he met at UCLH while undergoing treatment for serious blood…
My story started back in March 2012. As far as I could tell, it began as a cold in December 2011, accompanied by an inexplicable fatigue I could never quite shake off shortly after passing my…
Computed Tomography (CT) scans use x-rays to give detailed cross sectional images of soft tissue, blood vessels and bone. CT is commonly used at NHNN to diagnose many diseases and injuries including…
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men in the UK, with over 40,000 new cases diagnosed every year. This is Chris' story. "Talking to the team for the first time gave me…
Testicular cancer is unusual compared to other cancers because it tends to affect younger men. James was just 27 years old when he found himself in front himself of consultant urological…