Page results
At your first visit to UCLH your midwife will discuss birth place options with you and recommend a place of birth.
This page is for patients who have been referred by their GP to a gynaecology specialist because their symptoms need further tests.
At UCLH, we encourage self-referral to our antenatal service, but you also have the choice to go via your GP who will make the referral for you.
The maternity team at UCLH will listen to your hopes and concerns and can suggest helpful and practical ideas to help you.
Alternatives to Accident and Emergency (A&E) and attending the Emergency Department (Casualty) at UCLH
Specialist and interventional cardiology outpatient services are provided by the Barts Heart Centre. General cardiology outpatients for local patients will continue to be provided by University College Hospital.
POEMS syndrome is a rare condition caused by the body producing abnormal plasma cells (a type of blood cell which produces antibodies to fight off infections).
Anticoagulants are medicines that help prevent blood clots. They're given to people at a high risk of getting clots, to reduce their chances of developing serious conditions such as strokes and heart attacks.
The clinic at UCH is the world’s first to provide a multi-disciplinary service for adolescents and adults born with diverse sex development.
This page is for patients receiving steroids for immunotherapy toxicity.
File results
FOI/2024/0651 - Family history units/ familial cancer services
FOI/2024/0652 - Overseas visitors invoiced in 2023/24
FOI/2024/0662 - Treatment of haematology/ Myeloprolifeative diseases/ Non Hodgkin Lymphoma/ Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia/ Mantle Cell Lymphoma
FOI/2024/0663 - Diagnosis discharge codes and cases 2018-19 to 2022-23
FOI/2024/0667 - Agency/ bank staff, master/neutral vendor/ contract and contact details 2023/24
FOI/2024/0668 - Doctors shifts covered by Physician Associates 01/04/2024-01/09/2024
FOI/2024/0675 - Direct engagement agency usage/ spend for doctors, nursing and AHP/HSS
FOI/2024/0680 - MSP-MV recruitment solution/ contract/ annual spend/ contact details
FOI/2024/0681 - Postoperative infections associated with cataract surgery 2019/20-2022/23
FOI/2024/0683 - International recruitment for nurses, doctors and AHP/HSS