Page results
We are pleased to have performed very well again in this year's General Medical Council National Training Survey.
Sarah, Duchess of York, and Their Royal Highnesses Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie met with staff and young people in a video call to formally open the specialist haematology ward for young adults in the University College Hospital Grafton Way Building last week (Monday 11 July).
UCLH Director of Research Professor Bryan Williams has been elected as the next President of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH).
People with obesity whose weight and health improve following drug treatment are likely to need the treatment long term, according to a UCLH and UCL study.
File results
FOI/2024/0537 - SHO doctor shifts covered by physician associates December 2023-May 2024
FOI/2024/0554 - Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Programme
FOI/2024/0550 - Syntometrine vs Misoprostol/ treatment uses for post-partum haemorrhage
FOI/2024/0559 - Surgical Robots purchase/ simulators/ procedures 2019-2024
FOI/2024/0580 - Newborns taken into care from the maternity wards 2019-2023
FOI/2024/0581 - Weight management services/ bariatric surgery/ access to Wegovy
FOI/2024/0588 - Spend with framework agencies for locum nurses - January to June 2024
FOI/2024/0589 - SACT Cancer report/ Drug Patient Level Contract Monitoring (DrPLCM) report
FOI/2024/0598 - Agency arrangement/ agreement supplier list for provision of AHPs, doctors and nursing
FOI/2024/0607 - Starvation ketoacidosis patients/ treatment