Page results
Information on safer eating during treatment, for patients with blood cancer.
Our specialist myeloma team holds four myeloma outpatient clinics per week, seeing over 300 patients every month.
You have been given this information because your unborn baby (fetus) has been diagnosed with spina bifida. This news must have been stressful for you and your partner/family, and you will have to…
Professor Catherine Mummery is a consultant neurologist with a research interest in early phase clinical trials in dementia and those at risk of dementia.
There is a lot of information on the internet; some of the stuff you find might not always be reliable so try to use websites you can trust. Here are some websites that have been recommended by…
Joint dislocations and subluxations can commonly occur in patients diagnosed with hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hEDS) and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders (HSD). Such events can be very…
This page has been written for patients who are having a course of radiotherapy for a brain tumour called a meningioma.
File results
FOI/2024/0522 - Smoke free policy/ second-hand smoke exposure to staff undertaking home visits
FOI/2024/0530 - Radiology/ imaging examinations/ patient access to radiology images
FOI/2024/0540 - Contact details of Clinical Governance lead
FOI/2024/0365 - Specialist clinical systems to manage patients and patient clinical notes
FOI/2024/0372 - Contact details of e-learning department
FOI/2024/0373 - Allogeneic stem cell transplants/ ECP (ExtraCorporeal Photopheresis) service
FOI/2024/0376 - Advice provided on topical medication for eczema patients
FOI/2024/0381 - Proton Beam Therapy Centre material use, architectural technology and performance
FOI/2024/0385 - Immunoglobulin vials (by brands) distributed to patients
FOI/2024/0386 - Stonewall funding for 2022/23-2023/24