Page results
Around 1 in 250 women may experience consciousness during pregnancy-related surgery under general anaesthesia, according to a national study which sheds light on why this occurs.
We are asking patients to follow some protocols before they come to UCLH and would appreciate it if you could reiterate this with your patients when you refer them.
UCLH has recruited the first European participant to a trial looking at treating non-hospitalised Covid-19 patients with the drug remdesivir.
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) has announced that it will take industrial action on Thursday 26 January. As a result, its members that work at UCLH will be on strike on this day. CSP members will also be taking strike action on Thursday 9 Feb, though we are yet to hear if this will take place at UCLH.
A guide to choosing diabetes technology for UCLH patients
Information on the different ways you can travel to University College London Hospitals (UCLH) if you don’t qualify for patient transport. It also includes advice on financial support that may be available to you.
How to access your video appointment using MyCare UCLH with Microsoft Teams patient information page.
The Getting Ready for Transition (GReaT) Group is an interactive workshop for young people with Type I Diabetes, who will be transitioning to secondary school in September, and their parents.
Diasend is being upgraded to Glooko. The children and young people's diabetes team at UCLH will be upgrading later in the year.
UCLH is sending critical medical supplies and equipment to Ukraine after learning of an NHNN consultant’s bid to drive from the UK to the Polish border to deliver some of these items.
File results
FOI/2024/0171 - Dermatology consultants
FOI/2024/0182 - Women diagnosed with Endometriosis 2019 to 2023
FOI/2024/0211 - Acute admissions of women aged 18 to 35 for gynaecology, urology or general surgery 2013-2023
FOI/2024/0215 - Agency nursing shifts Band 2 and Band 5 from April 2023 to March 2024
FOI/2024/0237 - Staff access to NHS intranet
FOI/2024/0238 - Haematology and immunoglobulin treatments
FOI/2024/0243 - Pathology laboratory service/ information system at Trust
FOI/2024/0255 - Ingenica stock management system in theatres
FOI/2024/0266 - Glioblastoma research/ trials
FOI/2024/0268 - Module on imaging offered to PAs as training in requesting ionising radiation