Page results
A safeguarding clinic dedicated to the long term needs of children and young people who have problems related to Sexual, gynaecological or genito-urinary health, Complex maltreatment including sexual abuse, female genital mutilation, factitious illness and related issues. We also see unaccompanied children, refugees and looked after children.
The Teenage and Young Adults Cancer Service looks after people aged from 13 to 24, who may have a wide range of cancers and some non-cancerous conditions.
The Lighthouse is a facility in north London, set up in partnership with organisations in the voluntary and public sectors to provide a safe space to support children and young people, from 0-18, in their recovery from sexual abuse or exploitation.
This page has been written by the Neuropsychiatry Department at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. The aim of this page is to provide general information about the procedure called Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS).
UCLH has continued to achieve excellent results in the National Inpatient Survey, with patients rating their overall care 8.7 out of 10. This is an improvement on our 2021 score and the highest score of any acute/combined trust in England.
Three of our lovely supporters have done a bungee jump to raise funds for UCLH Charity.
Our non-emergency patient transport service is provided by G4S. G4S may use approved external sub-contractors to meet the demand of the service and/or the specific needs of our patients.
Endodontics is the prevention, diagnosis and management of diseases of the tooth pulp and the tissues surrounding the root of a tooth.
The oral and maxillofacial surgery department focuses on the delivery of care to patients with dento-alveolar needs.
Initial results suggest the treatment has the potential to alter the course of the disease.
File results
FOI/2023/0867 - Doctors/ nurses week/ weekend working
FOI/2023/0878 - Thyroidectomy patient leaflet
FOI/2023/0880 - Digital tools to support patient management for Musculoskeletal (MSK)/ women’s pelvic health
FOI/2023/0886 - Charges to overseas visitors regulations
FOI/2023/0900 - Mortuary temperature monitoring supplier
FOI/2023/0920 - Training health visitors and physiotherapists for trauma informed care/ sexual violence
FOI/2023/0923 - Proton Beam Therapy treatments
FOI/2023/0938 - Trust pain management education provided to staff
FOI/2023/0950 - Trust membership of Stonewall's Diversity Champion programme
FOI/2023/0961 - Robotic Process Automation staff details