Page results
Patient information for patients who are having a bone marrow biopsy.
Preparations for the festive season are in full swing in the UCLH Charity fundraising team.
The department of neuro-otology provides a specialist national service for the diagnosis, investigation, management and rehabilitation of complex, auditory, vestibular and voice disorders, including skull base surgery.
This patient information offers advice for patients suffering from long COVID regarding a healthy diet and nutrition.
Ms Nicola Lack has been a consultant obstetrician at UCLH since 2012 and has been the labour ward lead since 2019. She has a background in maternal medicine and works within the diabetes team.
Mindfulness patient information.
This patient information explains an inguinal gonadectomy.
This patient information explains laparoscopic gonadectomy.
This information leaflet is about longitudinal vaginal septums.
This patient information is about obstructed hemi-vaginas.
File results
FOI201796 IT middle management organisational structure
FOI/2022/0741 - Number of women in the maternity service identified as needing an interpreter
FOI/2022/0742 - Allegations of sexual misconduct in NHS Trusts
FOI/2022/0745 - Elective/ emergency C-sections and number of still births/ neonatal deaths
FOI/2022/0748 - Services closed at Trust due to staffing issues
FOI/2022/0751 - Pharmacy solution to remotely monitor fridge temperature
FOI/2022/0754 - Respiratory devices
FOI/2022/0757 - Oncology services - staff/ patients
FOI/2022/0761 - NHS estates maintenance/ repairs
FOI/2022/0797 - Information Governance and Corporate Governance personnel