Page results
The integrated dermatology service is provided by an experienced doctor. An individual treatment programme is designed, combining conventional and complementary medicine approaches. The aims of this service are to improve skin problems, quality of life and general wellbeing, and allow reduction of conventional medication (where possible and appropriate).
The latest copy of our magazine, Charity Matters is out now, available to read online or in hard copy in and around sites at UCLH hospitals.
Lizzie Burns, our creative specialist, explores how origami can help to calm your mind and reduce stress. Lizzie also discusses how she's adapted her work to offer online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
We offer weekly neuro-rehabilitation assessment clinics where our patients are assessed by a multidisciplinary team.
UCLH has teamed up with Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex (KSS) to create an additional module to its Airway Matters, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC).
There are just a few days left to share your views as part of a public consultation on proposed changes to how and where maternity, neonatal, and children’s surgical services could be provided in North Central London. The consultation closes on Sunday, 17 March 2024.
This page provides an overview of the Ambulatory Care Service for adult patients.
Organisations and services offering financial advice to people affected by cancer and blood conditions, and their familes and carers.
This page explains what extravasation is, and outlines the steps we take when it occurs.
This patient information contains contraceptive advice for patients who have received Sugammadex.
File results
FOI/2022/0728 - Digital/ data team structures
FOI/2022/0716 - Trust structure/ organisation charts
FOI/2022/0705 - Head/ neck and urothelial cancer treatment
FOI/2022/0707 - Current endoscopy maintenance supplier and the contract expiry date
FOI/2022/0709 - Non-detained mental heath patients
FOI/2022/0712 - Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP) as a surgical intervention
FOI/2022/0713 - Ambulance deaths
FOI/2022/0714 - Number of births/ number of attendances of antenatal classes
FOI/2022/0722 - Procedures for patients on lateral flow tests and wearing masks in hospital
FOI/2022/0724 - Radiology enquiry - brain imaging, prostate, breast, Liver, Gynaecological scans within MRI