Page results
It is with great pleasure and excitement that we share with you news of an excellent new resource that can be used across the UK for people living with Sickle Cell Disorder.
Whatever the treatment, test or intervention that is planned as part of the clinical trial the details will be explained both in the written information you receive and by your research nurse or…
Eleven MSF staff are now providing nursing and logistics support at the London COVID CARE Centre, in partnership with the UCLH Find & Treat team.
People with the acquired communication disorder aphasia – which involves problems with the understanding or production of speech –have benefitted greatly from a two-year programme of therapy at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery at UCLH.
A very wide range of patients are seen in the epilepsy and neurology clinics – and advice given to you about how best to prepare for an appointment will vary according to your specific…
NHS and social care staff can now be swabbed for COVID-19 at a drive-through facility based at the British Library’s St Pancras site.
Spectacular rainbow floral and balloon installations by Early Hours London and Bubblegum Balloons thank the public for their support during the pandemic.
File results
FOI/2023/0761 - Trust EPR system/ clinical data repository
FOI/2023/0769 - Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease/ Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
FOI/2023/0800 - Bank staff hire time/ recruitment/ mandatory training
FOI/2023/0805 - Diagnostic imaging equipment October 2023
FOI/2023/0810 - Inflammatory Bowel Disease colorectal cancer colonoscopy surveillance endoscopy
FOI/2023/0814 - Wound dressings containing chitosan
FOI/2023/0821 - SME suppliers the public sector purchases
FOI/2023/0833 - Evaluation of outpatient referrals to neurosurgical department
FOI/2023/0838 - Home phototherapy systems used by community midwifery teams
FOI/2023/0851 - Mechanical thrombectomy services