Page results
This page is for parents and carers whose child is having radiotherapy treatment to the neck and chest.
This page is for parents and carers whose child is having radiotherapy treatment to the pelvis.
This booklet has been written for parents and carers whose child is having radiotherapy treatment to the abdomen.
This page has been written for parents and carers whose child is having radiotherapy treatment to the spine (backbone).
This information has been written for parents and carers whose child is having radiotherapy treatment to the whole lungs. The page explains the side effects your child may experience during and after treatment, and how best to cope with them.
This page has been written for parents and carers whose child is having radiotherapy treatment to the whole brain and spine. This treatment may also be referred to as whole central nervous system (CNS) or cranio-spinal radiotherapy.
This page has been written for parents and carers whose child is having radiotherapy treatment to the whole brain.
This page has been written for parents and carers whose child is having radiotherapy treatment to the abdomen and pelvis.
This page is for parents and carers whose child is having radiotherapy treatment to the chest, or mediastinum.
This page explains how to hand express your colostrum. It is for mothers/birthing parents who will have a baby on the neonatal unit.
File results
FOI/2023/0761 - Trust EPR system/ clinical data repository
FOI/2023/0769 - Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease/ Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
FOI/2023/0800 - Bank staff hire time/ recruitment/ mandatory training
FOI/2023/0805 - Diagnostic imaging equipment October 2023
FOI/2023/0810 - Inflammatory Bowel Disease colorectal cancer colonoscopy surveillance endoscopy
FOI/2023/0814 - Wound dressings containing chitosan
FOI/2023/0821 - SME suppliers the public sector purchases
FOI/2023/0833 - Evaluation of outpatient referrals to neurosurgical department
FOI/2023/0838 - Home phototherapy systems used by community midwifery teams
FOI/2023/0851 - Mechanical thrombectomy services