Page results
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has existed since 1994, but its origins date back over 250 years and lie in the history of various individual hospitals, some of which now…
It is important for your treatment that you attend your scheduled appointment at University College Hospital Grafton Way Building. If your appointment is more than 24 hours away, please change or…
Term: 26.05.2022 – 25.05.2025 Appointed stakeholder governor for Islington Council
Mike Ryan, aged 67 from Finchley, was diagnosed with oesophageal cancer in August 2017 after noticing pressure in the back of his throat and regurgitation of thick saliva when he ate. He initially…
Deborah first started experiencing difficulties swallowing (dysphagia) and a burning sensation in her throat while swallowing food. At first she ignored the problem, but when the difficulties…
File results
FOI/2023/0761 - Trust EPR system/ clinical data repository
FOI/2023/0769 - Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease/ Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
FOI/2023/0800 - Bank staff hire time/ recruitment/ mandatory training
FOI/2023/0805 - Diagnostic imaging equipment October 2023
FOI/2023/0810 - Inflammatory Bowel Disease colorectal cancer colonoscopy surveillance endoscopy
FOI/2023/0814 - Wound dressings containing chitosan
FOI/2023/0821 - SME suppliers the public sector purchases
FOI/2023/0833 - Evaluation of outpatient referrals to neurosurgical department
FOI/2023/0838 - Home phototherapy systems used by community midwifery teams
FOI/2023/0851 - Mechanical thrombectomy services