Page results
Exhibition co-curated by Healthcare Arts Collective and UCLH Arts and Heritage 25th August - 20th October 2021, UCH Street Gallery, 235 Euston Road
At University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH) we value our reputation for top quality care and financial probity and conduct our business in an ethical manner.
To be held in person at UCLH. The Tree of Life project is run by the Diabetes team at UCLH and offers young people the opportunity to meet with others living with Type I Diabetes.
This information is for children and young people with Type 1 diabetes, and their families, on how to manage high glucose levels when using an insulin pump.
This information is for children and young people with Type 1 diabetes, and their families, on how to manage high glucose levels when using hybrid closed loop (HCL) systems.
This page provides information about an interventional procedure called an Epidural Fibrin Patch. It is intended for use by patients (or their family or carers), who have been referred to the NHNN.
This page has been written for patients who have been recommended hormone therapy for prostate cancer. It explains what the treatment involves, describes side-effects you may experience, and how best to cope with them.
Postnatal care should be a continuation of the care the woman has received through her pregnancy, labour and birth and take into account the woman’s individual needs and preferences.
At your first visit to UCLH your midwife will discuss birth place options with you and recommend a place of birth.
At UCLH, we encourage self-referral to our antenatal service, but you also have the choice to go via your GP who will make the referral for you.
File results
FOI/2023/0761 - Trust EPR system/ clinical data repository
FOI/2023/0769 - Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease/ Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
FOI/2023/0800 - Bank staff hire time/ recruitment/ mandatory training
FOI/2023/0805 - Diagnostic imaging equipment October 2023
FOI/2023/0810 - Inflammatory Bowel Disease colorectal cancer colonoscopy surveillance endoscopy
FOI/2023/0814 - Wound dressings containing chitosan
FOI/2023/0821 - SME suppliers the public sector purchases
FOI/2023/0833 - Evaluation of outpatient referrals to neurosurgical department
FOI/2023/0838 - Home phototherapy systems used by community midwifery teams
FOI/2023/0851 - Mechanical thrombectomy services