Page results
'Bolus: education delivered stat' is a podcast exploring the haematology speciality, created for nurses, junior doctors and allied healthcare professionals.
The Com-Cov trial in which UCLH is a site looking at alternating vaccines has been expanded to include the Moderna and Novavax vaccines.
File results
FOI/2022/0679 - Theatre management, AA's and ODPs
FOI/2022/0677 - Documents relating to the lift being out of order (RLHIM Lift 2 by reception)
FOI/2022/0675 - Drug treatment for Paediatric patients (ages 0-16)
FOI/2022/0584 - Clinical negligence claims in the maternity department and damages paid
FOI/2022/0589 - Multiple sclerosis treatment
FOI/2022/0586 - Individuals who have sought help from GPs or addiction services in relation to addiction to pornography
FOI/2022/0585 - Racial abuse by patients towards staff
FOI/2022/0590 - Private patient unit revenue
FOI/2022/0580 - Number of occasions when there were no out-of-hours GPs on shift
FOI/2022/0577 - Injuries relating to e-scooters, cycling and moterbikes