Page results
UCLH has opened a new clinic for neurology patients with ‘long Covid’ at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN) with funding from the National Brain Appeal. The…
This page has been written for parents of children who have been diagnosed with congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection.
The UCLH Ambulatory Care (AC) service delivers a range of treatments which have historically been administered within the inpatient setting. Eligible patients receive their care in the AC area…
The Inherited White Matter Disorders (IWMD) Diagnostic and Management Service is a formally commissioned highly specialised service. There are seven centres across England. There are three…
File results
FOI/2023/0614 - Communications
FOI/2023/0594 - Asthma Treatment
NIHR Patient Research Experience Survey 2022-2023
Neuroimmunology and CSF Laboratory User Handbook
FOI/2023/0450 - Pain relief options (remifentanil, entonox and sterile water injections) during labour
FOI/2023/0449 - Endometriosis pathway
FOI/2023/0448 - Gender, transgender, non-binary guidance/ policy for staff and patients
FOI/2023/0422 - Renal cell treatment for carcinoma and melanoma
FOI/2023/0429 - Breast cancer treatment/ systemic anti-cancer therapies
FOI/2023/0426 - Maternity services staffing levels