Page results
Information about sickle cell disorder in adulthood for UCLH patients.
Information about sickle cell disorder and pregnancy for UCLH patients.
Introduction Who this leaflet is for? Women who have experienced abdominal pain and/or bleeding from the vagina with: a pregnancy confirmed on a urine or blood test last menstrual period within…
This clinic specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of adult patients with allergic conditions.
Information on parvovirus for patients with haemolytic anaemias.
Information about medications, vaccinations and travel for people with sickle cell disorder.
File results
FOI/2023/0462 - Patients to hotels
FOI/2024/0481 - Maternity unit closed to new admissions 2018-2023
FOI/2023/0481 - Closure of maternity unit to new admissions 2018/23
FOI/2023/0484 - Babies diagnosed with Tongue Tie
FOI/2023/0486 - Mastectomy reconstruction
FOI/2023/0497 - List of all laboratories within Pathology
FOI/2023/0513 - Radiology equipment inventory
FOI/2023/0515 - Visitor policy in response to Covid-19
FOI/2023/0525 - Senior doctors/ consultants/ junior doctors pay
FOI/2023/0559 - Patients admitted to hospital with dental distress