Page results
Geoff Bellingan was appointed Medical Director in September 2009. He previously held posts as Clinical Director and Divisional Clinical Director between 2006 and 2009.
Gill was Medical Director for the Specialist Hospitals Board from 2010-2019 and was appointed as medical director, digital healthcare, in October 2019.
Tim Hodgson, Consultant in Oral Medicine and Honorary Associate Professor, was appointed Medical Director of the Specialist Hospitals Board UCLH Foundation NHS Trust in November 2019 and joined the Board as an Executive Director in January 2020.
Charles House was appointed Medical Director in July 2017 having previously been the interim Medical Director since March 2016.
Patient story - Zehavah Handler - When sleep becomes a nightmare. Zehavah Handler struggled to sleep for 25 years before completing a five-week course at UCLH’s insomnia clinic. Here, she tells us how it changed her life.
The special haematology service provides a comprehensive investigation of haemolytic amaemia, haemoglobinopathies and red cell enzymopathy.
Latest issues of our Haematology Life magazine
The earliest brain changes due to Huntington’s disease can be detected 24 years before clinical symptoms show, according to a new UCL-led study.
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (TTP) is a rare disorder of the blood coagulation system.
Dr Hotton is a consultant neurologist with a special interest in movement disorders and the neurological care of patients with central nervous system tumours.
File results
FOI/2023/0370 - Trust’s total budget/ spend for inpatient food for 2018 - 2022
FOI/2022/0266 - Drug Patient Level Contract Monitoring (DrPLCM)/ SACT cancer report
FOI/2023/0377 - Upfront charges to overseas visitors, migrants and former UK residents
FOI/2023/0379 - MDT meetings in relation to tailgut cysts
FOI/2023/0381 - Apprenticeship Levy - total paid into apprenticeship service accounts 2020/21 - 2022/23 (Part 2)
FOI/2023/0385 - IT services staff contact details
FOI/2023/0391 - Senior staff contact details - surgical, medical and elective care
FOI/2023/0393 - Social listening list for social media posts monitored by the Trust
FOI/2023/0399 - Patient deaths while waiting to receive planned care/ patients waiting more than 18 weeks - 2022
FOI/2023/0415 - Contact details for senior staff at Estates and Facilities