Page results
Patient information for women who have chosen to have surgical management under general anaesthetic following a diagnosis of a miscarriage.
The pelvic pain management service at UCLH was established in 2006 and our clinicians have a wealth of experience in managing women with abdominal and pelvic pain, and especially with those who have experienced complications following mesh implantation.
This patient information aims to address the questions you may have about surgical management of endometriosis.
During your care at UCLH your clinician may order tests for you. We carry out thousands of different tests a year and know that waiting for results can be a difficult time.
This page explains what you can expect during recovery from your CAR T-cell therapy.
This page provides information for employers, teachers, special needs education coordinators (SENCo) and other professionals who work alongside someone with Galactosaemia.
The Charles Dent Metabolic Unit (CDMU) is one of the largest and longest established services in the world for the treatment of adolescents and adults (aged 16 years and older) with inherited metabolic diseases.
This page explains how our plasma cell multidisciplinary team (MDT) will support you during treatmen
UCLH is the only Supra-Centre in England to deliver Intracranial Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Radiotherapy Services (SRS/SRT) as part of an integrated neurosurgical and Neuro-oncology service to patients.
RLHIM – The SELF-CARE SPACE The Self-Care Space is an exciting adjunct to our NHS clinical services helping with problems we see commonly such as chronic pain, tiredness, sleep problems, low and anxious mood, and menopausal symptoms. We will be offering the chance to explore a number of therapies and activities, including Mindfulness Reflexology Reiki Indian Head Massage Guided exercise techniques such as: Tai Chi Yoga We run regular group workshops for patients to come together in a positive and supportive way to develop and share skills. We see this co-created approach as an essential part of living well with long term conditions
File results
FOI/2023/0369 - Good Governance Institute spend at the Trust
FOI/2023/0367 - IT estate
FOI/2023/0359 - Medicines management/ prescribing/ formulary committees at Trust
FOI/2023/0358 - Diagnosis of POTS syndrome (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (PoTS))
FOI/2023/0356 - Current wait time for referral to treatment with a consultant for osteoporosis
FOI/2023/0344 - Number of neonatal and stillbirth deaths since January 2013
FOI/2023/0337 - Trac systems e-recruitment software used at the Trust
FOI/2023/0342 - Self-administration of medication policies
FOI/2023/0343 - Clinical guidelines - group B Streptococcus for antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care
FOI/2023/0301 - Meat served at the Trust that may contain nitrates or nitrites