Page results
C. diff is a bacterium (a “bug”) that lives harmlessly in the bowel (gut) of approximately three per cent of people. If the balance of C. diff and good bacteria is disrupted (for example when taking antibiotics), the good bacteria may be killed and C. diff can multiply and produce toxins. These toxins cause inflammation in the bowel and diarrhoea.
UCLH continues to achieve excellent results in the National Inpatient Survey. In 2021 patients rated their overall care as 8.5 out of 10 which is the top score in London and the second best in the Shelford Group.
The UCLH dermatology department diagnoses and treats all forms of skin cancer including low- and high- risk basal cell carcinomas (BCC), squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) and malignant melanoma.
Professor Bhatia is a consultant neurologist. His main research interests are in movement disorders, merging clinical, electrophysiological and genetic methods to study the pathophysiology of conditions like dystonia, tremor and parkinsonism.
This page, written by the Physiotherapy Services at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, is intended for patients (or their family or carers) who have been referred to the clinic.
This page has been written by the Physiotherapy Services at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine. It is for patients who have been referred to the clinic.
The palliative care team at UCLH provides specialist palliative and end-of-life care to any patient who has a life-limiting illness, and offers support to families and carers.
Insulet have informed us of a potential issue with the battery in the Omnipod DASH personal diabetes manager (PDM). Insulet will be sending replacement PDMs to those affected.
The Lucy Project is a research project supporting young people and their families at University College London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. It is a drop-in service and provides information, a space to talk, psychological support and treatment, and referral to other services and organisations.
The new NHS Reservist programme in North Central London is open for those interested in working in health and care. We are looking for people who wish to work flexible hours, are passionate about patient care and working with diverse teams and can help the NHS during peak times and emergencies.
File results
FOI/2022/0781 - Protocols for diagnosis and treatment of non-small cell lung cancer
FOI/2022/0789 - Agencies (including off framework) used to supply locum agency doctors
FOI/2022/0795 - Mobile software (communications, chat, photo) used by the Trust
FOI/2022/0799 - Services outsourced to third parties for Finance, Payroll, Procurement
FOI/2022/0800 - Day unit/ outpatient unit for haematology patients
FOI/2023/0005 - Endoscopy numbers - inflammatory bowel disease
FOI/2023/0009 - Procedure volumes/ average costs for portable and stable oxygen concentrator devices
FOI/2023/0014 - Surgery protocols/ standard operating procedures for a feticide
FOI/2023/0019 - Public access to water refill stations on your premises
FOI/2023/0037 - Assault attendances to Emergency Department