Page results
Information about sickle cell disorder in adulthood for UCLH patients.
Information about sickle cell disorder and pregnancy for UCLH patients.
Introduction Who this leaflet is for? Women who have experienced abdominal pain and/or bleeding from the vagina with: a pregnancy confirmed on a urine or blood test last menstrual period within…
This clinic specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of adult patients with allergic conditions.
Information on parvovirus for patients with haemolytic anaemias.
Information about medications, vaccinations and travel for people with sickle cell disorder.
File results
FOI/2022/0725 - High Acuity Monitoring - NCIU, Theatres, ICU
FOI/2022/0726 - Women in labour turned away/ directed to another site due to a lack of beds
FOI/2022/0729 - Facilities for junior doctors
FOI/2022/0730 - Outpatient unit day procedures for haematology patients
FOI/2022/0748 - Services closed at Trust due to staffing issues
FOI/2022/0751 - Pharmacy solution to remotely monitor fridge temperature
FOI/2022/0754 - Respiratory devices
FOI/2022/0763 - Treatment of dermatological conditions
FOI/2022/0769 - Non-disclosure agreement to resolve sexual harassment cases
FOI/2022/0778 - Phone calls to 09020 44 24 11 from NHS Trust