Page results
Visiting arrangements at UCLH hospitals.
University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has existed since 1994, but its origins date back over 250 years and lie in the history of various individual hospitals, some of which now…
Apprenticeship activity data return University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has a target to employ an average of at least 2.3% of staff as new apprentice starts over the period of…
We are occasionally able to show people around our hospitals but, as with requests for filming and photography, we cannot always accommodate requests. Groups cannot be larger than 12 people…
File results
FOI/2022/0649 - Contact details for Chief Executive
FOI/2022/0656 - Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC)
FOI/2022/0662 - NHS visitor charging for overseas under 18s
FOI/2022/0676 - NHS charges to Haringey migrant residents
FOI/2022/0677 - Documents relating to the lift being out of order (RLHIM Lift 2 by reception)
FOI/2022/0688 - Names of divisional director of Medicine and Divisional Director of Surgery
FOI/2022/0692 - Respiratory diagnostic equipment
FOI/2022/0701 - Contact centre/ Call centre contracts
FOI/2022/0708 - Agency spend for doctors
FOI/2022/0723 - Spend on external companies for intraoperative neuromonitoring (IONM)