Page results
KF-Xtra is a one-stop multi-disciplinary clinic for boys and men with Klinefelter syndrome (KS). Klinefelter Syndrome (KS) is a common congenital condition affecting boys and men. It occurs in 1 in 500 live male births. KS is caused by the presence of additional sex chromosomes.
The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine (RLHIM) is a centre for evidence-based practice, education and research, specialising in chronic and complex medical conditions. Our mission is to provide a person-centred, holistic approach, including self-care, in order to help people with chronic and complex medical conditions live well and feel better. Our approach considers the whole person and their environment in the quest for optimal health and wellbeing. In order to achieve this, we provide a combination of lifestyle strategies, medical, physical and psychological treatment, as well as advice on safe and appropriate use of complementary therapies. We also deliver and encourage self-care approaches which can continue to be used by patients after discharge. All RLHIM services are outpatient-based and are staffed by experienced healthcare professionals.
This page has been written for patients who wish to find out more about a new procedure for epilepsy that does not involve removing parts of brain, known as EASEE® (Epicranial Application of Stimulation Electrodes for Epilepsy)
As World Lung Cancer Day approaches (1 August) the SUMMIT Study reports that it has made great strides in catching up with patients whose nodule follow ups were cancelled due to COVID-19.
This page is for patients who have been referred by their GP to a gynaecology specialist because their symptoms need further tests.
The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN), Queen Square, is the UK's largest dedicated neurological and neurosurgical hospital. It provides comprehensive services for the diagnosis, treatment and care of all conditions that affect the brain, spinal cord, peripheral nervous system and muscles. Services include specialist neurosurgery, a brain tumour unit, the Hyper-acute Stroke Unit (HASU), an acute brain injury unit, the National Prion Clinic, a pioneering neuro-rehabilitation unit, the UK's first interventional MRI scanner, the largest specialised neurosurgical ITU and the only neuromedical ITU in the country. Together with its neighbour, the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology, it is a major international centre for research and training.
UCLH is a designated Haemophilia Centre providing a 24/7 service for patients, including those needing treatment with blood products and clotting factor medications.
Whether to check appointment details, receive test results and clinic letters, or to complete pre-visit questions and checks to prepare for appointments, more and more patients activate MyCare UCLH each day.
This page tells you about having a Non-Tunnelled CVC Line Insertion (Vascath). This page is for those patients who have been referred to Interventional Radiology.
We are making it easier and safer for patients to be seen in an Emergency Department (ED) or Accident and Emergency (A&E) department without waiting for long periods of time.
File results
FOI/2022/0578 - Nurses and junior doctors sick leave for anxiety, stress, depression
FOI/2022/0585 - Racial abuse by patients towards staff
FOI/2022/0586 - Individuals who have sought help from GPs or addiction services in relation to addiction to pornography
FOI/2022/0591 - Maternity guidelines relating to obesity
FOI/2022/0593 - Trust membership of Stonewall's Diversity Champion programme
FOI/2022/0607 - Mercaptopurine 50mg tablet usage in Trust
FOI/2022/0615 - Vasectomy operations
FOI/2022/0621 - Remote monitoring and virtual ward use
FOI/2022/0628 - Diagnostic tests in pathology laboratory
FOI/2022/0646 - Endoscopic Retrogade Cholangiopancreatography