Page results
This page has been written by the Department of Neuroradiology at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN). Our aim is to provide you with information about endovascular treatments…
The aim of the Enhanced Recovery Programme (ERP) is to get you back to full health as quickly as possible after your operation. Research indicates that after surgery, the earlier you get out of bed,…
Introduction Fatigue is a common and invisible symptom that is not always obvious to others such as partners, family members, friends or colleagues. As a result others may not understand the…
COVID-19 information for patients and visitors With rates of COVID-19 on the rise again, we are providing the following information to patients and visitors. Patients Please continue to…
This service offers care to young people with a range of conditions from period problems through to rare and complex congenital abnormalities of the genital tract. We offer a multidisciplinary…
Our gynaecology diagnostic and treatment unit encompasses the following services: Early pregnancy clinic General gynaecology clinic Suspected gynaecological…
This page has been written for parents of children who have been diagnosed with congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection.
File results
FOI201745 Bowel care management for patients with spinal cord injuries
FOI201738 Patient safety within maternity services
FOI/2023/0352 - Data security training, data breach reporting, security budgets
FOI/2023/0367 - IT estate
FOI/2023/0344 - Number of neonatal and stillbirth deaths since January 2013
FOI201731 Multiple sclerosis patients treated with MS disease modifying drugs
FOI/2023/0345 - SACT (systemic anti-cancer therapy) treatments for endometrial cancer
FOI/2023/0356 - Current wait time for referral to treatment with a consultant for osteoporosis
FOI/2023/0358 - Diagnosis of POTS syndrome (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (PoTS))
FOI201732 Occupational Therapy lead