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Between April 2021 and March 2022, 40% of UCLH outpatient appointments took place virtually - a total of 484,872 appointments – the highest in England.
Professor Lunn's specialist clinical and research interests are in the inflammatory neuropathies, particularly Guillain-Barré syndrome, CIDP and paraproteinaemic neuropathies.
The purpose of this page is to explain what an ectopic pregnancy is, what it means for your health, the different treatment options, risks involved in treatment, and potential risks in future pregnancies.
This information is for children and young people with type 1 diabetes using a hybrid closed loop (HCL).
Care in the last days of life: information for families, friends and carers.
Her Majesty The Queen’s state funeral will be held on Monday 19 September, and will be a national bank holiday.
The Oesophageal and stomach surgery service works very closely with the specialist Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) service, gastroenterology, nutrition, oncology and radiology departments at UCLH. It comprises UCLH-based and Barts Health-based surgeons.
On 13 January 2020, a consultation which asks for people’s views on the future of planned orthopaedic surgery for adults in north central London was launched.
Professor Hough is a consultant heamatologist at UCLH. She has specialist expertise in the management of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia in teenagers and young adults, and the use of umbilical cord blood as an alternative source of haemopoietic stem cells.
Info about our regular, online origami club for people under the care of UCLH for cancer or a blood condition