Page results
This booklet has been written by the Autonomic Unit at The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN). The aim of the booklet is to provide information about the 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure and heart rate (24-hr BP) monitor.
This booklet has been written by the Autonomic Unit at The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN). The aim of the booklet is to provide information about the autonomic function test (AFT).
Tattoos and cosmetic procedures
Our Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) department can treat up to 650 NHS patients per year from across the south of the UK when we are at full capacity. We provide treatment for a wide range of child and teenage cancers and complex adult cancers.
Having proton beam therapy: information for children aged 5- 8 patient information leaflet
Having proton beam therapy: information for children aged 9-12 patient information
Having proton beam therapy: information for teenagers aged 13-17 patient information
Having proton beam therapy under general anaesthetic: information for children aged 1- 4 patient information
Having proton beam therapy under general anaesthetic: information for children aged 5-8 patient information
All HPB and hepatology clinical and academic services, including pancreatic cancer services, have transferred from UCLH to the Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust, creating one of the largest centres in Europe for the treatment of conditions of the liver, pancreas and biliary system.
File results
FOI/2022/0150 - Hepatocellular carcinoma drug treatments
FOI/2022/0161 - Referral to treatment waiting times
FOI/2022/0163 - Ongoing staff absence due to COVID-19
FOI/2022/0166 - Routine GP referrals made to Cardiology, Gynaecology and Neurology
FOI/2022/0171 - Consultant-led Referral to Treatment (RTT), outpatients and Patient Initiated Follow-up (PIFU)
FOI/2022/0186 - Gender neutral toilets at the Trust
FOI/2022/0211 - Enteral feeding machine mechanical insufflator
FOI/2022/0216 - Inventory management system
FOI/2022/0217 - Medications for dermatological conditions
FOI/2022/0227 - Number of cancer trackers and cancer MDT co-ordinators at Trust