Page results
Lizzie Burns, our creative specialist, explores how origami can help to calm your mind and reduce stress. Lizzie also discusses how she's adapted her work to offer online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Further information on access to diagnostics in cardiology, endoscopy, imaging and gynaecology departments at UCLH.
Whilst the UCLH paediatric emergency department remains on divert, access for GPs to paediatrics remains available as usual.
ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography) - UCLH patient information
Many people are terrified of wasps, but although painful, the sting usually gets better by itself in a few hours. However, for some, it can lead to deadly anaphylactic shock.Sean Hanrahan is one such person.
The following information should be read by organisations referring patients to the UCLH. This is to notify you that University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH) intends to…
Requests for information should be made in writing. Telephone requests cannot be accepted, except in very exceptional circumstances. We accept requests via email or letter. Trust Archivist…
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File results
FOI/2022/0150 - Hepatocellular carcinoma drug treatments
FOI/2022/0161 - Referral to treatment waiting times
FOI/2022/0163 - Ongoing staff absence due to COVID-19
FOI/2022/0166 - Routine GP referrals made to Cardiology, Gynaecology and Neurology
FOI/2022/0171 - Consultant-led Referral to Treatment (RTT), outpatients and Patient Initiated Follow-up (PIFU)
FOI/2022/0186 - Gender neutral toilets at the Trust
FOI/2022/0211 - Enteral feeding machine mechanical insufflator
FOI/2022/0216 - Inventory management system
FOI/2022/0217 - Medications for dermatological conditions
FOI/2022/0227 - Number of cancer trackers and cancer MDT co-ordinators at Trust