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This page has been written for patients who are having a course of superficial radiotherapy for a skin tumour (such as a basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma), or some other skin condition.
This page explains what an ascitic drainage is and what you can expect during the procedure, including the benefits, risks and any alternatives.
UCLH provides first-class acute and specialist services in six hospitals in central London. Our mission is to deliver top-quality patient care, excellent education and world-class research.
Details of services available in an emergency, including information on alternatives to emergency treatment (casualty, A&E).
This page has been written for patients who wish to find out more about a new procedure for epilepsy that does not involve removing parts of brain, known as EASEE® (Epicranial Application of Stimulation Electrodes for Epilepsy)
Mixed sex accommodation and privacy information for patients coming into hospital for an inpatient stay
This page explains what to do and what to avoid when your child has had extractions or minor oral surgery.