Page results
Information about incentive spirometry (IS) for adults with sickle cell disorder.
This page is for patients who are having stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (SABR) for lung cancer.
You have been given this information because your unborn baby (fetus) has been diagnosed with spina bifida. This news must have been stressful for you and your partner/family, and you will have to…
This page has been written for patients who are having a course of radiotherapy for a brain tumour called a meningioma.
This leaflet explains the options for sensitive handling of pregnancy tissue.
There is a lot of information on the internet; some of the stuff you find might not always be reliable so try to use websites you can trust. Here are some websites that have been recommended by…
UCLH has a comprehensive service for the assessment and treatment of patients with pleural disease.
This page explains how our plasma cell multidisciplinary team (MDT) will support you during treatmen
File results
FOI/2021/0045 - Platelet incubators, platelet agitators, plasma freezers and plasma thawers in use
FOI/2021/0061 - Number of births that have been booked into the Whittington (2021)
FOI/2021/0069 - Staff appraisals delayed due to covid
FOI/2021/0071 - Deaths in hospital due to Covid-19
FOI/2021/0075 - Guidelines/ formularies of patient blood glucose/ patient blood ketone monitoring meters
FOI/2021/0077 - Patients presenting to A&E after swallowing object not for consumption
FOI/2021/0078 - Hours of annual leave that were not paid to/not claimed by doctors/ nurses/ HCAs
FOI/2021/0081 - Treatment guidelines for Axial spondyloarthritis/ Ankylosing spondylitis/ Rheumatoid arthritis
FOI/2021/0086 - Number of adults presented to A&E due to mental health related issues
FOI/2021/0097 - Disclosure of civil litigation when applying to be an educator or lecturer