Page results
Research conducted at UCLH has discovered how some skin cancers stop responding to treatment at the end of life.
A UCLH and Whittington Health children’s dental service has won the Small Scale, Big Impact award at the Smarter Working Live awards for its work supporting community dentists to provide more dental treatment locally, saving trips to hospital.
Our staff have rated UCLH as the top trust in England, improving on our ranking from last year when we were third best in England and top in London.
As an organisation, UCLH needs to minimise the environmental impact of our buildings and the energy they use and maximise our use of any technology available to support these changes. This page outlines our progress to date.
UCLH needs to reduce the amount we consume per patient, re-use and re-manufacture what we can and ensure that what we do use has minimal environmental impact. We also need to ensure our suppliers match our environmental ambitions. This page explores our progress so far.
Ensuring that UCLH staff understand the urgency of the climate crisis and support our net zero programme is crucial if we want to be successful in reaching our goal of net zero carbon emissions by 2031. Our patients must be kept informed of changes and we must work closely with other NHS organisations, including NHS England, if we are to deliver a successful programme. This page documents our progress to date.
A multi-disciplinary team involving UCLH and UCL has developed a way to monitor the progression of movement disorders using motion capture technology and AI.
The first UK trial to test the benefits of proton beam therapy for certain patients with breast cancer has launched at UCLH.
The UCLH trauma and orthopaedics team has reached a milestone of 1000 operations on hips and knees using the Mako robot.
3000 participants have been recruited to a clinical trial led by UCL and UCLH aimed at reducing the number of patients with breast cancer who are given chemotherapy unnecessarily.
File results
FOI/2021/0039 - Agency spend for temporary/ locum doctors in A&E
FOI/2021/0044 - List of all blood bank refrigerators in use
FOI/2021/0045 - Platelet incubators, platelet agitators, plasma freezers and plasma thawers in use
FOI/2021/0061 - Number of births that have been booked into the Whittington (2021)
FOI/2021/0069 - Staff appraisals delayed due to covid
FOI/2021/0071 - Deaths in hospital due to Covid-19
FOI/2021/0075 - Guidelines/ formularies of patient blood glucose/ patient blood ketone monitoring meters
FOI/2021/0077 - Patients presenting to A&E after swallowing object not for consumption
FOI/2021/0078 - Hours of annual leave that were not paid to/not claimed by doctors/ nurses/ HCAs
FOI/2021/0081 - Treatment guidelines for Axial spondyloarthritis/ Ankylosing spondylitis/ Rheumatoid arthritis