Page results
The UCLH immunotherapy-neurotoxicity multidisciplinary service (IO-neurotox MDT) was established collaboratively between the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN) and a nationwide oncology clinical team to offer high-quality diagnostic and management guidance on the care of cancer patients with, or suspected of having, any form of neurological complication of immunotherapy (immune-checkpoint inhibitor therapy). We provide multidisciplinary care for patients who are referred from their GP or from other hospitals. Although immune-related neurotoxicity is relatively rare it may be severe and is associated with significant disability and high risk to patients if not recognised and managed promptly and well.
EMIS outage caused backlog of result messages via Keystone
Art and creativity can be a real tonic for health, says UCLH arts curator Guy Noble.
Contact the Arts & Heritage team.
This information has been produced to help children and young people using the Medtronic MinimedTM 780G system with SmartGuardTM technology.
This page provides information about the Palliative care and symptom control team
Contact details of clinical lead adults and lead paediatrics
Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) services for children and young people at UCLH
You now need a registered site administrator to access EpicCare Link UCLH for your practice or service. If your site doesn’t have a registered administrator, you may lose access to EpicCare Link UCLH.
This patient information explains an inguinal gonadectomy.
File results
FOI/2021/0039 - Agency spend for temporary/ locum doctors in A&E
FOI/2021/0044 - List of all blood bank refrigerators in use
FOI/2021/0045 - Platelet incubators, platelet agitators, plasma freezers and plasma thawers in use
FOI/2021/0061 - Number of births that have been booked into the Whittington (2021)
FOI/2021/0069 - Staff appraisals delayed due to covid
FOI/2021/0071 - Deaths in hospital due to Covid-19
FOI/2021/0075 - Guidelines/ formularies of patient blood glucose/ patient blood ketone monitoring meters
FOI/2021/0077 - Patients presenting to A&E after swallowing object not for consumption
FOI/2021/0078 - Hours of annual leave that were not paid to/not claimed by doctors/ nurses/ HCAs
FOI/2021/0081 - Treatment guidelines for Axial spondyloarthritis/ Ankylosing spondylitis/ Rheumatoid arthritis