Page results
UCLH has continued to achieve excellent results in the National Inpatient Survey, with patients rating their overall care 8.7 out of 10. This is an improvement on our 2021 score and the highest score of any acute/combined trust in England.
Winning the award - Sarcoma Healthcare Professionals Innovation and Excellence – CNS London Sarcoma Service, The National Sarcoma Educational Programme. Jo and Anne had the vision of sharing a regular in-house education session to bring sarcoma nurses and doctors together. These monthly sessions have seen a broad range of speakers and experts in the sarcoma field from other sarcoma units, charities and researchers sharing their knowledge.
Minimally invasive therapies for prostate cancer which remove the cancer while leaving the rest of the prostate intact are beneficial for patients and cost effective according to new research.
Achilles Therapeutics, a company built on research at UCLH, UCL Cancer Institute and the Francis Crick Institute has successfully raised $175.5 million through its initial public offering in the United States.
Contact the UCLH Media and Communications team. Read the UCLH magazine.
UCLH consultant Dr Arjuna Nagendran featured in the Royal Institution’s prestigious series on Boxing Day; this year presented by Professor Mike Woolridge on artificial intelligence (AI).
The autumn/winter edition of Charity Matters is out now.
Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia Purpura (TTP) is a rare disorder of the blood coagulation system.
Dr Tim Yates has a particular interest in the management of refractory headache disorders, particularly chronic migraine, the trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias, and facial pain syndromes.
We are asking patients to follow some protocols before they come to UCLH and would appreciate it if you could reiterate this with your patients when you refer them.