Page results
We provide intensive chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation to adult in-patients. We also have a dedicated Young Adult Unit within the ward. For all patients our aim is to monitor patients…
Protecting patient data in research - security, storage and consent We will always seek your consent to use data wherever possible. There may be circumstances when it is not possible to get your…
In late 2008 Judy began experiencing debilitating pain in her jaw and persistent insomnia (inability to sleep). At first there were no visible lumps or obvious signs to the cause of her pain. Over…
Stuart readily admits that he hadn’t gone to the dentist enough throughout his life and, like a lot of people, experienced normal dental problems. When his gums became sore in the summer…
Laryngeal cancer is a type of cancer that affects the larynx (voice box). The larynx is part of the throat found at the entrance of the windpipe (trachea). It plays an important role in helping you…
Visiting arrangements at UCLH hospitals.
Chris van Tulleken will investigate the science happening inside our bodies when we eat, how food has shaped human evolution, uncover the importance of our microbiome – as the extra ‘organ’ we didn’t know we had – and ask how we can all eat better in the future.
File results
FOI/2020/0350 - PPE stocks
FOI/2020/0652 - Systems in place to control and process employee spend
FOI/2020/0654 - Main contractor appointed for refurbishment to provide vaccine clinic
FOI/2021/0006 - Elective services during the 2nd C19 wave/ staff deployment to Nightingale Hospitals
FOI/2021/0009 - Hourly rates paid for agency doctors
FOI/2021/0015 - UV disinfection technology to help prevent HCAI
FOI/2021/0025 - Policies surrounding mandatory searches of mental health patients
FOI/2021/0029 - BI Reporting Tool used at Trust
FOI/2021/0031 - Fax machines/ operating system for PCs and Laptops
FOI/2021/0037 - Covid vaccinations administered to UCL university staff