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The UCLH trauma and orthopaedics team has reached a milestone of 1000 operations on hips and knees using the Mako robot.
COVID-19 vaccines are effective for most cancer patients but the level of protection offered by vaccines against infection, hospitalisation and death is lower compared with the general population and also wanes more quickly, according to a study in which UCLH participated.
Thank you for helping the Hospital for Tropical Diseases celebrate 100 years in 2022
News and information from UCLH, including the latest team updates, technology updates and alerts and information we think you would find helpful
Getting Ready for Transition to Secondary School (GReaT) event for parents of children with type 1 diabetes
NHS and social care staff can now be swabbed for COVID-19 at a drive-through facility based at the British Library’s St Pancras site.
UCLH Director of Research Professor Bryan Williams has been elected as the next President of the International Society of Hypertension (ISH).
Latest issues of our Haematology Life magazine
The designs of a new breathing aid developed by engineers at UCL and Formula One working with clinicians at UCLH have been made freely available to support the global response to Covid-19.
People with obesity whose weight and health improve following drug treatment are likely to need the treatment long term, according to a UCLH and UCL study.