Page results
This page provides information for employers, teachers, special needs education coordinators (SENCo) and other professionals who work alongside someone with Galactosaemia.
The department of Thoracic Medicine at UCH has particular expertise in the management of patients with bronchiectasis and respiratory infections (including fungal disease, lung abscess and opportunistic infections).
UCLH is one of the largest blood cancers treatment centres in Europe, with both inpatient beds and a comprehensive day care service. The service is the main treatment centre for patients from north and east London, and west Essex.
The cochlear implant programme was founded in 1982, and we were the first clinical cochlear implant programme in the UK. The team has been involved with the successful implantation of more than 2,000 patients, both adults and children, from all over the UK.
This information is for patients who are having radiotherapy to the pelvis.
This page provides information about the multidisciplinary Huntington’s Disease Clinic, which is held twice a month at the NHNN.
Patient information page has written for patients who are receiving a long (radical) course of radiotherapy to the brain.
This information has been written for patients who are having radiotherapy treatment to the brain and spine.
This booklet has been written for parents and carers whose child is having radiotherapy treatment to the neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis.
File results
FOI201753 Female genital mutilaton
FOI201756 Cardiology catheteristation laboratory
FOI201760 Needlestick injuries to staff
FOI/2020/0466 - COVID 19 Patient - Trust transferred ICU patients to private hospitals to free up beds
FOI2017135 Admissions to the trust for any bacterial or viral infections; staff sickness absence
FOI2017141 Provision of aids to patients having had total hip replacements
FOI2017146 Staff contact details
FOI/2023/0360 - Minutes of Board of Director meetings and Declarations of Interests (DoI) statements 2008-2023
FOI2017163 Junior doctors' contract
FOI2017178 Closure to admissions of the maternity unit