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The National Day Care Unit provides an opportunity for many people to receive different treatments, tests and procedures without having to stay overnight in the hospital. Some eligible patients who need more than one day of treatment will stay in a hotel near to the hospital.
Information for patients having a mediastinoscopy / mediastinotomy procedure.
This page is for patients who have been asked to take part in a service evaluation looking at Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) at the Proton Beam Therapy department at UCLH. This information explains why we are doing this evaluation and what it would involve for you.
The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN), part of UCLH NHS Foundation Trust, has been reaccredited under the prestigious Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) Anaesthesia Clinical Services Accreditation (ACSA) demonstrating the hospital anaesthetists’ commitment to patient safety and excellence of care.
UCLH and UCL neurologists have published the first clinical observations of patients who experienced an ischaemic stroke, the most common form of stroke, following an Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine.
This page provides information on examinations using contrast agents in MRI. It is intended for use by patients (or their families or carers) who have been referred to our service for imaging requiring contrast agents.
This booklet has been written by the Autonomic Unit at The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN). The aim of the booklet is to provide information about the 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure and heart rate (24-hr BP) monitor.
A BBC One documentary featuring clinicians at UCLH which airs this Thursday highlights the harm to the body and brain caused by ultra-processed food.
Dr Alegre Abarrategui is a consultant in diagnostic neuropathology offering diagnostic services across neuropathology subspecialties, especially surgical neuropathology, neuromuscular neuropathology, and neurodegeneration.
Testing for NHS staff, provided by the Francis Crick Institute and UCLH NHS Foundation Trust, detected COVID-19 infections that would have otherwise been missed.