Page results
It is important for your treatment that you attend your scheduled appointment at University College Hospital Grafton Way Building. If your appointment is more than 24 hours away, please change or…
Adolescent rheumatology This service is unique in the UK, offering an adolescent rheumatology service that provides diagnostic and therapeutic advice to patients with any rheumatic diseases that…
The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine was founded as the London Homoeopathic Hospital by Dr Frederick Foster Hervey Quin in 1849. He was among the first doctors to practice homeopathy…
To most of us, the tap, tap, tap of raindrops is a rather unwelcome sound. But to Jeanann Doyle, it is magical. Jeanann heard raindrops land on her umbrella for the first time in 25 years after…
Radiotherapy delivered on a linear accelerator (sometimes termed linac) is a form of ‘external beam' radiotherapy delivered using high energy X-Rays (photons). The department is equipped…
UCL has been ranked number one in the UK in medicine, health and the life sciences for the quality of its research.
File results
FOI/2024/0303 - Lost histology (histopathology) specimens/ sample tracking systems
FOI/2024/0302 - Mental health diagnosis for patients aged 11 to 25
FOI/2024/0293 - Names and contact details of senior leadership
FOI/2024/0290 - Flexible endoscope inventory/ service supplier/ contract
FOI/2024/0287 - Delays in induction of labour, caesarean sections due to bed/ staff shortages
FOI/2024/0273 - Covid restrictions for visitors at Elizabeth Garret Anderson (EGA) from December 2021-June 2022
FOI/2024/0266 - Glioblastoma research/ trials
FOI/2024/0268 - Module on imaging offered to PAs as training in requesting ionising radiation
FOI/2024/0304 - Emergency medicine agency/ locum/ bank doctors January 2024-March 2024
FOI/2024/0277 - Paediatric respiratory admission rates 2018-2023