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University College Hospital's Outpatients department sees many patients, covering a variety of different specialties.
Information for outpatients visiting UCLH hospitals.
A team at UCLH, UCL and Mercedes-AMG High Performance Powertrains which developed a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) breathing aid now used in hospitals across the UK have received an award from the Royal Academy of Engineering for exceptional services during a pandemic.
UCLH Biomedical Research Centre supported Consultant Infectious Diseases Physician Professor Sir Alimuddin (Ali) Zumla has been awarded the 2020 Mahathir Science Award, the most prestigious international science award presented in recognition for the best scientific work in solving priority health problems in the tropics.
Check patients meet the criteria before advising on transport
The team behind the Royal National ENT and Eastman Dental Hospitals won the Estates Initiative of the Year at the HSJ Value Awards 2020.
Two clinicians with close links to UCLH and UCL have been appointed to be National Clinical Directors (NCD) by NHS England (NHSE) for 2024.
We want to make you aware that our children and young people’s teams will be available throughout the holiday period to provide advice and support when needed.
UCLH Charity’s magazine, Charity Matters is out now.
Dr Tim Yates has a particular interest in the management of refractory headache disorders, particularly chronic migraine, the trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias, and facial pain syndromes.