Page results
The Fetal Medicine Unit (FMU) is led by a team of highly skilled specialist doctors that offer diagnosis and treatment of complications which may arise in unborn babies.
The musculoskeletal (MSK) outpatient therapy service at University College Hospital provides assessment and treatment of patients for a variety of specialities including orthopaedic, rheumatology, hand therapy, women’s health, orthotic, podiatry and spinal non-operative and operative patients with musculoskeletal dysfunction.
KF-Xtra is a one-stop multi-disciplinary clinic for boys and men with Klinefelter syndrome (KS). Klinefelter Syndrome (KS) is a common congenital condition affecting boys and men. It occurs in 1 in 500 live male births. KS is caused by the presence of additional sex chromosomes.
The SMS appointment reminder service is a text message service to help remind you of an upcoming appointment.
A group to share ideas about managing exams and assessments when a health condition gets in the way.
The Maternal Medicine team provides care for women with pre-existing medical disorders or pregnancy-related medical conditions. We work in a multidisciplinary team of doctors and midwives in order to provide the best standard of care for women and their babies.
This is a speech and language therapy service for deaf or hard of hearing adults who are having communication difficulties because of a hearing loss. The primary focus of the service is to help with spoken English skills.
This page is for parents, carers and family members who are acting as comforters and carers for children and young people having radioactive iodine (131I) treatment. It explains what the treatment involves, how to prepare for it and what you can expect afterwards.
We are now administering new COVID-19 treatments for patients at highest risk in the community. The service can prescribe oral antivirals to be taken at home, and give intravenous antibody treatments at the hospital.
We are making it easier and safer for patients to be seen in an Emergency Department (ED) or Accident and Emergency (A&E) department without waiting for long periods of time.
File results
FOI2017141 Provision of aids to patients having had total hip replacements
FOI/2023/0222 - Contact details for senior screening and immunisations staff
FOI/2023/0231 - Patients seen at A&E with symptoms of taking nitrous oxide gas
FOI/2023/0237 - Software solution to manage patient e-consent for school vaccinations/ immunisations and waitlist validation
FOI/2023/0250 - Early Access to Medicines Scheme (EAMS)
FOI/2023/0251 - Vials used for immunoglobulin drugs - January to March 2023
FOI2017146 Staff contact details
FOI/2023/0332 - Eating disorder services and Advance Decisions/ Directives to refuse medical treatment (ADRTs)
FOI/2023/0270 - Total agency spend and midwifery spend from 2018/19 to 2022/23
FOI2017115 Publications relating to learning from complaints, claims, incidents, serious incidents, events and inquests