Page results
The Oesophageal and stomach surgery service works very closely with the specialist Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) service, gastroenterology, nutrition, oncology and radiology departments at UCLH. It comprises UCLH-based and Barts Health-based surgeons.
This page has been written for patients having proton beam therapy (PBT) at University College Hospital (UCH).
This information will help you understand your forthcoming treatment and contains answers to many frequently asked questions.
This booklet explains what you can expect during recovery from your autologous stem cell transplant.
A number of tests are carried out by the routine haemostasis/haematology laboratories. These include full blood count, ESR, sickle cell and glandular fever screening, malaria antigen testing, blood films and acanthocytes, coagulation screens (INR/heparin monitoring), fibrinogen and D-dimers (DIC screening).
Restoritive dentistry services include periodontology, endodontics and orthodontics
The purpose of this page is to explain what an ectopic pregnancy is, what it means for your health, the different treatment options, risks involved in treatment, and potential risks in future pregnancies.
This Huntington’s disease service page provides information on Advance Care Planning: it gives patients and their loved ones the opportunity to talk about and document their wishes, preferences and priorities as the disease progresses.
This page explains what spasticity is. It contains information on botulinum toxin and its use to treat conditions such as spasticity and dystonia which can occur after a stroke or brain injury.
This leaflet explains the support a transition coordinator at the Adolescent Rheumatology Department provides, and how they can help.
File results
FOI/2024/0303 - Lost histology (histopathology) specimens/ sample tracking systems
FOI/2024/0302 - Mental health diagnosis for patients aged 11 to 25
FOI/2024/0293 - Names and contact details of senior leadership
FOI/2024/0290 - Flexible endoscope inventory/ service supplier/ contract
FOI/2024/0287 - Delays in induction of labour, caesarean sections due to bed/ staff shortages
FOI/2024/0273 - Covid restrictions for visitors at Elizabeth Garret Anderson (EGA) from December 2021-June 2022
FOI/2024/0266 - Glioblastoma research/ trials
FOI/2024/0268 - Module on imaging offered to PAs as training in requesting ionising radiation
FOI/2024/0304 - Emergency medicine agency/ locum/ bank doctors January 2024-March 2024
FOI/2024/0277 - Paediatric respiratory admission rates 2018-2023