Page results
The huge impact the COVID-19 crisis is having on our patients and staff was the focus of a BBC News report broadcast tonight (Sunday).
It’s a clean sweep for our nominees at this year’s RCN Nursing Awards. Congratulations to winners Jo Hargroves, Robert Vicente and Susie Lagrata!
As a mark of respect for the funeral of Her Majesty The Queen on Monday 19 September, we are postponing our Annual Members’ Meeting, which was scheduled for this date.
A tribute to Her Majesty The Queen
During this time of visiting restrictions, we have introduced "Letters To Loved Ones" at UCLH.
Diasend is being upgraded to Glooko. The children and young people's diabetes team at UCLH will be switching on Friday 12 August.
We would like to hear your views on how we could improve NHS maternity, neonatal, children and young people’s services in north central London (NCL).
The designs of a new breathing aid developed by engineers at UCL and Formula One working with clinicians at UCLH have been made freely available to support the global response to Covid-19.
A UCLH and UCL study has identified how a subset of immune cells are activated to kill cancerous cells, a finding in mice which could hold the key to new powerful therapies against cancer.
Since moving to the Grafton Way Building in April 2021, a new model of care has significantly helped the orthopaedics team
File results
FOI201746 Contact details for the IT integration manager
FOI/2023/0305 - Trust held non-pharmaceutical consignment stock holding
FOI/2023/0338 - Individuals with a change to a gene called CACNA1C for 2021 and 2022
FOI/2023/0323 - Medications/ treatment for dermatology and respiratory medicine
FOI/2023/0310 - Biologic treatment/ medicines in dermatology
FOI/2023/0308 - Treatment for biologic and biosimilar products within rheumatology
FOI/2023/0299 - Trust Medical Examiner contact details
FOI/2023/0292 - Spend on bank/ agency/ locum staff for junior doctor strike cover
FOI2017107 Number of physical attacks on staff, patients and visitors
FOI/2023/0303 - Sexual harassment from patients towards staff in 2022