Page results
Advice for women have been recommended to take Aspirin during pregnancy.
From Monday 20 May, two-factor authentication (2FA) will add an extra layer of security to your EpicCare Link UCLH account.
This information has been written to prepare you for your hospital stay.
There are many ways that UCLH can communicate with you about your care. You can set your preferences regarding what you would like to be informed about, and how you wish to receive notifications from your MyCare UCLH account.
The main aim of second line dietary advice is to provide practical ways to relax dietary restrictions following first line advice.
On 16th of April 2024, UCLH Microbiology testing carried out at the Halo will transition to a new system
The aim of the Integrated Care Operations is to support the development of patient centred co-ordinated care for UCLH patients through collaborative working across the organisation and with the community, social and primary care.
Alternatives to Accident and Emergency (A&E) and attending the Emergency Department (Casualty) at UCLH
Dr Tim Yates has a particular interest in the management of refractory headache disorders, particularly chronic migraine, the trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias, and facial pain syndromes.
If your doctor has referred you for a blood test, please book your phlebotomy (blood test) appointment online in advance.
File results
FOI/2023/0065 - A&E deaths from 2010 to 2022
FOI/2023/0064 - Children's operations cancelled/ delayed for non-clinical reasons from 2018 to 2022
FOI/2023/0042 - Protocols for the management of major haemorrhage
FOI/2023/0038 - Cases where breast milk of a new mother was given to a child who is not her own
FOI/2023/0356 - Current wait time for referral to treatment with a consultant for osteoporosis
FOI/2023/0368 - Apprenticeship Levy - 2019-20 to 2022/23 (Part 1)
FOI/2023/0363 - External management/ business consultants spend/ fees to recruitment agencies for 2023
FOI/2023/0361 - List of all the doctors and consultants working within UCLH
FOI/2023/0351 - Senior staff contact details for non-clinical workforce
FOI/2023/0343 - Clinical guidelines - group B Streptococcus for antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care