Page results
This page explains what to do and what to avoid when your child has had extractions or minor oral surgery.
POEMS syndrome is a rare condition caused by the body producing abnormal plasma cells (a type of blood cell which produces antibodies to fight off infections).
This page is designed for patients scheduled to attend our department. It outlines the various tests that may be conducted during your appointment.
This page is for those who have been referred for radiotherapy to the abdomen.
Details of services available in an emergency, including information on alternatives to emergency treatment (casualty, A&E).
This page offers advice to patients who are feeling sick.
This page explains who you will meet and what to expect at your appointment with the adolescent gynaecology team at UCLH.
Work experience at UCLH is offered to full-time students aged 16-18 through our partnerships with The Social Mobility Foundation and selected local secondary schools. As we receive a high volume of requests for work experience, we are unfortunately unable to accommodate students outside of these two programmes.
The Virtual Fracture Clinic Service at University College Hospital (UCH) offers high quality, safe and effective follow up care to patients after an orthopaedic injury.
Brooke Robinson tells us what it is like to work to in neuroradiography at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery.
File results
FOI/2023/0237 - Software solution to manage patient e-consent for school vaccinations/ immunisations and waitlist validation
FOI/2023/0250 - Early Access to Medicines Scheme (EAMS)
FOI/2023/0251 - Vials used for immunoglobulin drugs - January to March 2023
FOI/2023/0212 - Training provided to clinical staff for use of medical devices
FOI/2023/0332 - Eating disorder services and Advance Decisions/ Directives to refuse medical treatment (ADRTs)
FOI/2023/0270 - Total agency spend and midwifery spend from 2018/19 to 2022/23
FOI/2023/0182 - Data privacy compliance tools
FOI/2023/0360 - Minutes of Board of Director meetings and Declarations of Interests (DoI) statements 2008-2023
FOI/2023/0188 - Payments to suppliers
FOI/2023/0159 - Local treatment guidelines for Atopic Dermatitis (Atopic Eczema)