Page results
Information about making a donation to the Haematology Cancer Care charity fund at UCLH
Diasend is being upgraded to Glooko. The children and young people's diabetes team at UCLH will be upgrading later in the year.
UCLH is sending critical medical supplies and equipment to Ukraine after learning of an NHNN consultant’s bid to drive from the UK to the Polish border to deliver some of these items.
The X-ray GP Direct Access service for patients has returned to a fully walk-in service, although we will review this decision regularly and let you know if we make changes to the service.
All semen analysis referrals should be made via the NHS e-Referral Service (e-RS). We will no longer be able to book semen analysis appointments through direct requests from patients or GP surgeries via email.
A guide to choosing diabetes technology for UCLH patients
UCLH has recruited the first European participant to a trial looking at treating non-hospitalised Covid-19 patients with the drug remdesivir.
We are asking patients to follow some protocols before they come to UCLH and would appreciate it if you could reiterate this with your patients when you refer them.
Around 1 in 250 women may experience consciousness during pregnancy-related surgery under general anaesthesia, according to a national study which sheds light on why this occurs.
This page explains what you can expect after you have been referred to the Lymphoedema Service at University College London Hospitals (UCLH) for a video or telephone appointment.
File results
FOI/2023/0237 - Software solution to manage patient e-consent for school vaccinations/ immunisations and waitlist validation
FOI/2023/0250 - Early Access to Medicines Scheme (EAMS)
FOI/2023/0251 - Vials used for immunoglobulin drugs - January to March 2023
FOI/2023/0212 - Training provided to clinical staff for use of medical devices
FOI/2023/0332 - Eating disorder services and Advance Decisions/ Directives to refuse medical treatment (ADRTs)
FOI/2023/0270 - Total agency spend and midwifery spend from 2018/19 to 2022/23
FOI/2023/0182 - Data privacy compliance tools
FOI/2023/0360 - Minutes of Board of Director meetings and Declarations of Interests (DoI) statements 2008-2023
FOI/2023/0188 - Payments to suppliers
FOI/2023/0159 - Local treatment guidelines for Atopic Dermatitis (Atopic Eczema)